450 Light Room Presets Free Download
Make professional Photoshop Lightroom editing and color correction in Lr Mobile, Lightroom СС, CS6-4 using these free Adobe Lightroom presets. Save your time – make your portrait, nature, and travel images look amazing in several simple clicks.

Please note that not all presets will look good with every Photoshop Lightroom, please experiment with different presets and you can also edit the preset to get the best
How To Add Adobe LightRoom Preset In your Lightroom Preset Gallery

- Open Lightroom
- Go To: Edit > Preferences > Presets
- Click On The Box Titled: Show Lightroom
- Presets Folder
- Double Click on Lightroom
- Double Click on Develop Presets
- Copy the Folder of your Download Zip Preset (Exteact Here) after Pest the
- Develop Presets
- Restart Lightroom
- Your presets will now be available to use
- under the “Develop” area.
Thank You For Lightroom Preset